First, I had a wonderful experience being induced my first time. I loved everything about it and I hope for a good experience like that again.
When I was about 29 weeks along we found out I was severely anemic, which is very common in pregnancy. It was also at this time that I was informed that because this pregnancy has been so difficult, Benjamin has a slightly higher chance of having developmental delays or other complications. These are things we will not know until he is born. Every ultrasound so far has shown a very healthy baby boy, and we have every reason to expect him to be perfectly fine. But because I was so malnourished and dehydrated for so long there is a higher chance of something being wrong.
I am now 37 weeks and yesterday I talked things over with my doctor and we agree that it would be best for Benjamin if I get as close to 39 weeks as possible. Every week counts. And because I am on bed rest I'm doing better now than I have my entire pregnancy, other than still throwing up and irregular but painful contractions. My doctor doesn't want me to go past 39 weeks because my body is starting to "wilt" as my mom calls. I'm losing weight instead of gaining and my body is ready to be done. But we WANT me to make it to 39 weeks if I can so Benjamin has a better chance at a healthier start.
Things like disabilities and developmental delays don't bother us at all. If that is how Benjamin is then we will love him for it without question. But as his mother, it is my job to keep him safe. And if that means enduring two more weeks of this, then bring it on. The last few weeks of a pregnancy feel like an eternity. I feel like I've been pregnant forever.
As my doctor has said every time I've had a major problem this pregnancy, "This too shall pass."