A little background: I am a "Zofran baby." My mother took Zofran her entire pregnancy with me, as well as my four siblings.
Twenty four of my cousins are also "Zofran babies."
My own two boys are "Zofran babies."
Not one single birth defect. Not one. And it wasn't just a take-once-a-day-to-get-through-the-first-trimester kind of deal. It was 8mg three times a day and once at night for 39 weeks. For two months I received it through a PICC line. I even had it in my IV the day I delivered my sons.
I have also been interviewing and talking to multiple mothers all over the world who have taken Zofran their entire pregnancies. I have yet to meet a Zofran baby with a birth defect.
But that is just my personal experience. I'm not saying that it is not possible. There is a risk taking any medication, especially when pregnant. What frustrates me the most about this is that it is scaring moms from taking it. Moms that actually need it.
I recently was apart of a Facebook discussion where this subject was brought up. A mother was getting more and more dehydrated but was terrified to take the Zofran because of what she had heard. I stood up for Zofran and was called selfish for not "sucking it up" and "powering through" my Hyperemesis. That I was selfish for having a medicated pregnancy and that there were "other options."
First, to the mother who told me to "suck it up" I hope with all of my heart you never have to experience anything like HG. I also hope that you will do some research on HG before you tell an HG mom to power through it. Because yes, I would rather take the Zofran risks over losing my baby any day. With HG, the risks of not taking it are SO much worse than what Zofran can do. At 10 weeks pregnant I was so malnourished that my baby stopped growing. The Zofran didn't stop the puking. None of the things I tried stopped it. But it was the ONLY thing that slowed it down.
The following list was taken directly from the HelpHER facebook page.
To the mom who is seriously suffering but afraid to take zofran, relax. Do what is best for you.
You are not a bad mom for taking Zofran.
One of my dear friends and fellow HG survivor had a zofran pump. This is actually a really common treatment in severe HG cases. She said,
"I was on Zofran from 15 weeks to 30 weeks receiving a dose of it HOURLY. Zofran saved my life. If I didn't receive my Zofran pump at 15 weeks I don't think myself or my daughter would be here right now. And IF I do decide to have another child I will be put on to Zofran again."
Another HG mom shared her thoughts on it with me.
"Oftentimes people whose child has a birth defect look for something to blame. That is human nature and it is somewhat understandable. And then there are those people who are sue happy and money hungry.
Don't take medical advise from a lawsuit. If this was 1920 most women with HG would be dead. People who have not experienced HG cannot fully understand the seriousness of it and the importance of trying to survive it."
Again, I am not a doctor. But I am tired of women who think they know it all because they read an article about it on Facebook and then tell those of us who depend on Zofran that we are selfish. Do some real research. Don't limit it to just one "study" or lawsuit. Talk to your doctor. If you feel you can power through it or don't feel comfortable taking it and think other things might help, by all means, please do! But please think about what you're saying when you're talking to a mom who is taking it or who took it.
We are living proof that Zofran helps.
We are Zofran babies.
Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram @7talesofmotherhood and my personal instagram @diariesofasupermom!
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