Saturday, November 30, 2013

Christmas is coming!

Last night my boys and I set up half of our Christmas decorations. 
We put up the tree and the lights 
And Franklin, our winter greeting snowman. I made warm chicken soup and cornbread muffins and we watched Christmas movies until Andrew's bedtime. Then I stayed up late baking cupcakes for Andrew's birthday party. (Watch for a post on that!) 
Today I plan to finish some indoor decorating, finish things for Andrew's birthday party, make Christmas popcorn and tonight Tyler and I are going on a date to see FROZEN! 

Let the Holidays begin! 

Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving and Drew's birthday

Drew turned one the day before Thanksgiving 
I can't believe it's only been a year since I first held him and gazed into those perfectly blue eyes. 
I hope he had a good day. 
We went to my mom's house that night and had our annual Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. One of my favorite traditions! 
And on Thanksgiving Day we celebrated with the Furlongs. My awesome in-laws made a delicious meal and super cute turkey hats for the grandchildren! 
(Andrew in his turkey hat. Please excuse his mismatched socks. I rarely have time to match them. What matters is that his feet are warm, right??) 

A few facts

#1. I haven't been able to post in so long because we are expecting baby #2 in APRIL! 
#2. I have had severe Hyperemesis Gravidarum this pregnancy. (We are talking home health care, IVs, and being fed TPN through a PICC line in my arm.) 
#3. I'm 21 weeks and finally feeling better as long as I take my zofran! 
#4. Our name choices for new baby were Lydia and Benjamin.
#5. Baby #2 is a Benjamin! 
#6. Andrew (Tug) turned ONE!