Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Eve and tradition!

This Christmas Eve we spent some time with my dad's side of the family. I got to see my aunts, uncles and cousins I haven't seen since my wedding. They loved Andrew and were excited to hear we are expecting Benjamin. 
(My cousin, Joseph, holding Andrew. Joe is the oldest grandchild and Andrew is the oldest Great-grandchild.)
Then we went to my parent's house and exchanged gifts. For as long as I can remember, Santa's elves have left Christmas ornaments for us to hang on the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. This year we got ornaments from our favorite movies! (Captain America, Rapunzel and Buzz Lightyear.) 
Tyler's family has a different tradition. They give new pajamas on Christmas Eve. We love this tradition too, so we stuck to it! 
Andrew looked so cute. He didn't really understand what was happening, but he loved our excitement. 
My sister read us Christmas stories while a lovely recording of a fireplace cracked and popped merrily on the TV screen. Then we went home and Tyler read The Polar Express to Andrew before we tucked him into bed. (Another tradition!)
Then we got to work. At one in the morning, after watching "It's a wonderful life" while setting things up, we got to go to sleep. I used to wonder why my parents were so exhausted on Christmas morning. Now I know! 
St. Nicholas was here!!! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Party time

I can honestly say that Drew's birthday party went a lot better than I thought it would! My AMAZING sister-in-law always throws the cutest parties for her boys and I've always wanted to be like her and throw cute parties too. But I ran into a few problems. 

1. I'm not super crafty or creative. 
2. We had a tight budget. 
3. My hyperemesis gets worse when I'm stressed or over work myself. 

I went to my mom's house in tears because I wanted so badly to have a nice party. I wanted Drew to have a good time, no stress and still be kinda cute. And just like any awesome mom, she calmed me down and within 15 minutes she was writing down simple ideas from Pinterest and Google and some she even came up with on her own. By the time I left I was feeling much better and even excited. 
(Samantha working on the cupcakes)

I spent a lot of time on the cupcakes. But I couldn't have done it without my sister. She basically did all the decorating with the cupcakes. I just showed her a picture of what I wanted and she did it like it was nothing. She is amazing. 

My in-laws allowed us to hold the party at their home and I'm incredibly thankful for that! 

120 Pigglets in a blanket later, and after showing up late to his own party because we forgot his presents, my nerves were really on edge. 
But everyone was very understanding and helped me set up. And I'd say the party was a real success. Drew had a blast. And I didn't cry or throw up. All went very well. 

Thanks to everyone who came and who helped! I couldn't have done it without you!!! 

Sunday, December 1, 2013

More than a piece of paper.

Years ago I took a gymnastics class. (I quickly jumped from a beginner level to a comptetitive level, although I only took the class a few months before I quit.)
One day my mom came in to pick me up a little earlier than usual. She sat with the other moms and watched while we did our cool down work out. I waved to her, and she waved back, smiling. 

Then the girl next to me, Brandi, seeing me wave to mom, asked me a question I have never forgotten. 

"Do you live with your mom or your dad?" 

At first I didn't understand the question. 
"Both," I answered. 

"So do you live with your mom on the weekends or your dad? Or is it a weekly thing?" 

At this point most of the other girls were listening too. As my mind began to process what she was getting at, another girl jumped in. 

"I stay with my dad every other weekend." 

"I only see my mom in the summer," another girl claimed.

Soon all the other girls began talking about step parents and spending holidays with one parent or the other. They began to recall fights their parents had and some even claimed how much their hated each other, though some said their parents got along alright. 

Then it hit me. I was the ONLY girl on my team whose parents were not divorced or separated. 
(Mom and Dad's engagement photo for their wedding announcement.) 
(Mom and Dad on their wedding day, 1992. They were sealed for time and eternity in the Salt Lake Temple.) 
As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (more commonly known as "Mormons") we are taught that marriage is a sacred covenant that is to be treated with care. Protected, honored and cherish. This is the kind of marriage my parents had. And it's the kind that I wanted. My grandparents also have champion romances, filled with love, respect and teamwork. 

Marriage is hard. Everyone makes mistakes and marriage takes forgiveness, understanding and Christ-like patients. But I just want to take a moment and say how thankful I am for my husband. 

All to often I read stories of husbands, boyfriends, etc. swearing at, degrading or even physically harming their wife. Sometimes it's the other way around. Sometimes both partners are to blame. I usually read or hear these stories just as I'm grumbling about how Tyler uses his giant bean bag to toss his dirty laundry or how he leaves his chip bags and coke cans all around his recliner chair. 

Sure, we argue like every couple. That's normal and expected in a marriage. But Tyler has NEVER once physically harmed me, degraded me in anyway or used swear words when speaking to me. And I'm so thankful for that. It means so much to me. And I do my best to show him mutual respect. Because I've completely dedicated myself, my life, and eternity to this man and I love him. I love that we can have that respect for each other and honor each other, and I hope we can teach our children the same principle and value a marriage has.

 Because I love him, I don't post about our petty arguments or say negative things about him to others. (This is one of my biggest pet peeves!) If we have a problem, I work it out with HIM. Not everyone on Facebook.  Last I checked this marriage was between us. Not us and a co-worker or friend. If you really need a third opinion, see a counselor or religious leader!- Rant over. 

And I'm thankful that Tyler learned that from his amazing parents, who also support a healthy and respectful marriage. 

In today's world people treat marriage so lightly, often calling it, "just a piece of paper." They claim that as long as two are commited to each other they see no need to be legally married. This breaks my heart. Because a marriage is so much more than that. And I'm not just saying that because I'm "Old Fashioned" or religious. 

It is NOT something to be treated so lightly. Like throwing away a marriage is as easy as tossing paper into a trash can. 
(Tyler and I were married and sealed in the Bountiful temple in September 2011.) 

I testify that it is sacred. And when a man and a woman are married at the right time and place by the right authority is POWERFUL. It is BEAUTIFUL. And when a couple centers their marriage around The Lord, it WILL bless them in numerous ways! 

So, thank you Tyler! Thank you for being the amazing man you are. I'm so blessed to be married and sealed to you. Thank you for always treating me with respect and for loving me as much as you do. I love you!!!