Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Half Way Wednesday, Pet Peeve Thursday

Today work was so slow... So I started a blog! :) 

This week, not unlike most weeks, has been pretty crazy for us. Tug got his two month old shots on Monday (we were actually on time! Score for the newby parents!) and I'm sure from that you can guess how the first half of our week has been so far. Today I went to work running on two hours of sleep. (Yay for mommy energy!!!) Despite the fact he is sore and uncomfortable he has been really good about it. Unfortunately the shots have thrown off his groove, so we have to start sleep training all over again. 

For those of you who don't know, I suffer from severe Postpartum Depression. I tried really hard for a long time to get better on my own and avoid medication. But after my co-workers began to notice and became concerned about my mental health, I finally agreed to see my doctor. I'm on my way to getting better, and I hope that by writing this blog and staying positive I'll be able to recover and get back to my normal self.


Every week it gets harder and harder for me to leave Tug and go to work for six hours. That's six hours of my child's life that I'll never get back. And for me, my work is never done. I go to work, I come home and then my most important job takes over and I work my mommy shift  all the way up until it's time for me to go back to work. Which makes me think the term "working mom" is a redundant phrase. 


During these long weeks I keep thinking, "Just make it to Wednesday." That's the half way point for me and I know if I can make it to Wednesday then I will survive the rest of the week. Except Thursdays.  I am not a fan of Thursdays. Thursdays are miserable because they are ALMOST Friday. Thursday means you still have one more day to go. It reminds me of when I ran the Ragnar Relay when I was fourteen. The worst part about the whole race for me was the "One mile to go!" sign at the end of every leg. That last mile felt like ten. I remember thinking the next exchange zone was just around the corner or just over the hill and then I'd get there and still the end was not in sight. That is pretty much how my Thursdays go. But today is Wednesday. I've made it this far, I know I can make it to Friday!




  1. I'm really proud of you for getting help! PPD is nothing to mess around with, and there is absolutely no shame in getting help resetting yourself. Pregnancy, birth, and raising kids takes so much out of us, and throws our entire system out of balance. I think you'll find that most moms around you are PPD recoveries thanks to a little RX bottle, or therapist. I went on meds after my son, Simon for about 6 months and then was able to wean off. I worked at home, which sometimes i think was harder. I know what you mean about feeling guilty. Now that I'm home full time, I love it, but I know I take a lot for granted. <3 Tug will grow up knowing you love him, because you make sure that time together counts!

  2. Thanks for being so honest! The world needs more moms like you - the ones who are brave and candid about their experiences. I have been amazed at your courage, determination, and attitude of gratitude during your rough pregnancy and the arrival of Andrew. You are truly a wonderful example of a daughter of God, living up to her potential and doing a beautiful job of it. You are a blessing!
