Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Eve and tradition!

This Christmas Eve we spent some time with my dad's side of the family. I got to see my aunts, uncles and cousins I haven't seen since my wedding. They loved Andrew and were excited to hear we are expecting Benjamin. 
(My cousin, Joseph, holding Andrew. Joe is the oldest grandchild and Andrew is the oldest Great-grandchild.)
Then we went to my parent's house and exchanged gifts. For as long as I can remember, Santa's elves have left Christmas ornaments for us to hang on the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. This year we got ornaments from our favorite movies! (Captain America, Rapunzel and Buzz Lightyear.) 
Tyler's family has a different tradition. They give new pajamas on Christmas Eve. We love this tradition too, so we stuck to it! 
Andrew looked so cute. He didn't really understand what was happening, but he loved our excitement. 
My sister read us Christmas stories while a lovely recording of a fireplace cracked and popped merrily on the TV screen. Then we went home and Tyler read The Polar Express to Andrew before we tucked him into bed. (Another tradition!)
Then we got to work. At one in the morning, after watching "It's a wonderful life" while setting things up, we got to go to sleep. I used to wonder why my parents were so exhausted on Christmas morning. Now I know! 
St. Nicholas was here!!! 

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