After the stockings were emptied and the gifts unwrapped, we got ready to go to my in-law's home. I have been loving pearl earrings lately and Tyler surprised me with these perfectly elegant earrings. Aren't they darling?? Thanks hun!
We had a grand time with my in-laws. A few highlights for me were things like watching Andrew play with his cousins, the vintage Winnie the Pooh books he got, a new flirty apron, a TON of Mary Kay makeup (If you know me, you know I like to feel pretty, and the stuff I got is NICE stuff!!! Especially compared to the cheap ELF brand I normally buy! I feel like a princess!) and.... WE GOT A KITCHEN AID!!!
I've been begging Tyler for a Kitchen Aid since we got married. I've entered numerous contests to try to win one. I've saved recipes to try for when I did get one. And trust me, I've put it to good use already! I love love love it! I was so excited I cried when we opened it. Can I say I have the best in-laws ever?? Yes I can!
We visited my grandmother a few hours. It brought back a flood of memories of picking candy canes off the tree and writing letters to Santa. And they even let Andrew play in the Christmas tree. It was so good to see my dear grandparents.
Then we went back to my in-laws to talk to Jeaniece on her mission in Japan. She looked incredibly happy, and Andrew even walked for her. When we talk to her again on Mother's Day she will get to meet Mr. Benjamin. It's crazy to think I only have 3 months left before he gets here!
Now the new year is here. I decorated the house in silver balloons and white streamers. I made homemade pizza (with my awesome kitchen aid!!!) and slept in Tyler's arms until just before midnight when Andrew woke up with a stuffy nose. I got to kiss both my boys at midnight. Tyler has been my New Years kiss (the only guy I've ever kissed on New Years) for three years in a row. My next post will be about our New Years Resolutions and our 2014 family theme.
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