Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Change is always good

Big changes are coming to Maybrooke. 

And I mean BIG. 
(Speaking of BIG, look at how big this slugger is!)

Change gives me anxiety. It makes my stomach twist and turn and I feel sick. My hands get painfully cold (I have Raynauds Syndrome) and my face gets hot and I can't focus on anything. 

My mom used to always say, "Change is always good." 

And she is right. It is what you make it to be. But If I could, I would stay in my cozy little comfort zone and never leave. But this change is good. It will be hard and it might be stressful, but it will be good.

Say hello to my two new managers!!! 

I have put in my two weeks notice at my work. I'll still be working a couple of days a week at another location but we are doing it so I can be home with my sweet little heroes more. 

No more stressful, rushed and often miserable mornings. No more stressing because one boy is sick and I can't be there. No more crying my heart out when my mom texts me to tell me Drew learned a new word or Ben rolled over and I missed it. No more messes sitting around the house, patiently waiting for Saturday to come. No more afternoon traffic or going to work looking like a truck hit me because I was up all night with a baby. No more waiting until 3PM to eat because that is literally the only chance I get to eat something. 

I'm looking forward to spending my days barefoot, in an apron and working hard to make this work. There will be a lot of budgeting and meal planning, but I'm REALLY looking forward to running Maybrooke more and doing more fun things with my little heroes. And I plan on blogging it the whole way. 

P.S. Did you notice the blog makeover? Not sure if I like it just yet... It may or may not change again. 

Happy Wednesdee! 

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