Sunday, February 3, 2013

Baby of mine

Wow! Talk about a busy weekend! Before i begin I need to say that I am so glad I spoke up about my PPD. I would not have had such a good experience if I was not feeling better. The medication is helping a lot. And my heart aches to think if all of the mothers with PPD who have suffered in silence.

Yesterday morning I went shopping with my mom while my sister watched Tug. Tyler had been up with him all night so I left him at home to catch up on sleep.

My mom has a thing for fancy makeup, so I spent more time in the makeup isle than I usually dare to. Especially being a newlywed/new mommy. And I did end up buying a lot of makeup tools and colors. The most expensive thing I bought was three dollars! Yup. I went for the super cheap e.l.f. stuff. It's actually really good for being so inexpensive! I once read in a VERY good Anita Stansfield book that every woman deserves to have her own things that help her feel beautiful. I've never forgotten that. It's amazing what a new lotion or mascara can do to your day.

After shopping I took Tug home to get Tyler and myself ready for a double baptism. My sweet little cousins, Scott and Jayne Elizabeth made the choice to be baptized on the same day. I still can't believe they are that old! I remember when each if them was born.

During the confirmations, Tug had a blow out diaper that went ALL the way up his back. Thankfully I always pack an extra outfit. And today's back up outfit was a batman onesie and gray sweats. Tyler cleaned Tug up (and up and up!) and I looked around and realized we are going to baptize Tug eight years from now. The thought made me tear up. When Tyler brought him back I held him just a little tighter and kissed him one more time.

This morning my day started at 4A.M. I had put stick curlers in my hair the night before to save on time but I still had so much to do. Tug was blessed today and I wanted to appear like super mom and have everything perfect. You know when you plan and look forward to something you always imagine what it will be like? That's half the fun if the whole event in my opinion - day dreaming about how you want things to go.

After several outfit changes to Tug and myself, a bubble bath and three feedings, our tiny basement apartment was a disaster. I thought of all the exercise I was getting stepping over everything. I woke Tyler and we were on our way (actually on time again!!!)

So many friends and loved ones came and I was so thankful. And the blessing was beautiful. Tyler did great. It was such a special moment for us when Tyler came back to sit with me. We held Tug in our arms and held each other. Tears glistened in our eyes as we looked into Tug's sleepy eyes. Tyler kissed my hair and neck and held my hand so tight. No words were needed.

The blessing spoke of my sweet little Tug and his future. I really began to think about the little man I gave birth too. He is going to have trials and struggles. He is going to love and grow. And someday he is going to grow up, find a wonderful daughter if God and move away to start his own family. It was another eye opening moment that made me hold him a little closer to my heart. I know that as his mother I will have the biggest influence on his life and the kind of man he will become. I know I won't be perfect but I know I will do my best to be the best mom for him and his siblings. So for now I'll try to always keep an eternal perspective in the children I raise, and dedicate my whole self to this sweet, amazing baby of mine.

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